Friday 4 April 2014

How to Get a (Love) Life


Some people book last-minute holidays, walk barefoot in the grass or party on a week night. Not Nicola Brown. Nicola is the kind of girl who double-locks the front door, leaves the plastic covering on new furniture, sticks to a super-strict diet and definitely, absolutely Does Not Date.

Her colleague Caroline – loopy, warm and exasperated by her, knows that Nicola's reluctance to lose control means she's living only half a life. And so she lays down the gauntlet: Nicola must cast aside her hang ups and go on as many dates as it takes to find true love in time for Valentine's Day.

The pick of local men is, quite frankly, a bit rubbish. And there are only three months until February 14th. Surely it's an impossible task? But, as Nicola is about to find out on her dodgy dates, letting go isn't quite as scary as she imagined. In fact, it's rather a lot of fun..

My opinion: How to Get a (Love) Life is the debut novel by Rosie Blake, published by the fabulous Novelicious. I read so many good things about this book when it first came out that I just couldn't resist downloading it and having a read for myself. I know what you're thinking. Why have I downloaded yet another book when I have hundreds just waiting to be read? Well, the answer to that is that I'm a bookaholic. I am obviously also a slacker as this review has taken me ages to write, so I apologise for that!

The story starts with Nicola waiting at the airport, about to embark on a singles holiday. Just as you think you know where the story is going to be going, we are whisked back in time and go to the real start of the story.

Nicola is a perpetual singleton who likes her life just as it is. Extremely structured and with no surprises. Or excitement. Until that is, her colleague Caroline challenges her to get a love life by Valentine's Day.

I really enjoyed this book and some of the dates that Nicola went on really made me laugh. I liked that it was a bit different to normal romance books and for a lot of the story, it was unclear what was going to happen. I'd recommend this for a light, funny read, and will look for more from the author.

My rating: Five stars

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